🐞🪲🐞The Types of Lines🐞🪲🐞

 Welcome 👦👧boys and girls to Mathematics class. Today we will be exploring the different types of lines.

What are the different types of lines?


Definition and Examples of the types of lines👇


Boys and girls let us examine another set of types of lines below.


Now👦👧boys and girls we are going to watch the video clips below on the types of lines.

Click and watch                  Click and watch                Click and watch         Click and watch 

Wow!! 👦👧boys and girls we have learnt about the types of lines. Now it's activities time.

Task 1:

Complete the activity in your notebook.

Use the table below to write the name and description of the type of line that each picture from the environment depicts.  


Types of lines














  Task 2:

Use materials such as matchsticks, glue, paper scissor and colour paper or any other materials you have in your home to design the different types of lines. An example is given blow.


Task 3:


Task 4:

Students click and do the liveworksheet activities below.

1. Click and do the activity

2. Click and do the activity

3. Click and do the activity

4. Click and do the activity

5. Click and do the activity

6. Click and do the activity


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