🌭🍟🍔Introduction of Sets🌭🍟🍔

 Welcome boys and girls to another Mathematics lesson. Today we will be learning about sets.

What is set? 

There is a fairly simple notation for sets. We simply list each element (or "member") separated by a comma, and then put some curly brackets around the whole thing:

Set Notation

The curly brackets { } are sometimes called "set brackets" or "braces".


Boys and girls watch the video clips on sets to get additional information and understanding of sets.

Click and watch                     Click and watch

Boys and girls now that we have learnt about set. Let us do the activities below.

Task 1:

Write true or false on each line.

1. A set is a group of will defined objects. ________ 

2. A curly bracket {} is used to enclosed all the elements in a set.  _________

3. The elements of a set are also called the members of a set._________ 

4. A capital letter is used to name a set. ____________

5. A set has can only has two elements. __________ 

Task 2:

Live work Sheet Activities

1. Click and do the activity

2. Click and the activity 

3. Click and do the activity

Boys and girls hope you have fun learning about sets today.


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