📔✏️📕Based Ten Blocks📔✏️📕

   Welcome 👦👧boys and girls to Mathematics class. Today we will be going on an adventure where we will be exploring representing numbers using the based ten blocks.

What is the based ten block?

The Base Ten Blocks provide hands-on ways to learn place value, number concepts, operations, measurement, and much more! They help students physically represent what they're learning so they can develop a deeper understanding of the meaning of each concept.

How to use the base ten blocks represent numbers?
Boys and girls watch the video clips for additional information on the base ten blocks.
click and watch                  click and watch                 click and watch   
Now that we have learnt about the base ten blocks. It's activities time boys and girls!!
Task 1:        
1. Do this activity in your homework book.

Task 2. 
Use the table below to complete the activity.

Standard Form

Worded Form

Expanded Form

Base Ten Blocks







Three hundred and one







1000 + 200 + 60 + 5







Task 3:

Liveworksheets Activities time!!

1. Click and do the activity

2. Click and do the activity

3. Click and do the activity

4. Click and the activity


How do we write numbers in the worded and standard form?

Now 👦👧boys and girls let us watch the video clips below to get additional information on standard form.

Click and watch                     Clik and watch                 Click and watch 

Task 1: 

Use your place value chart to help you.


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