🐞🪲🐞Equivalent and Equal Sets🐞🪲🐞

  Welcome 👦👧boys and girls to Mathematics class. Today we will be going on an adventure where we will be exploring Equivalent and Equal Sets.

What is a set?

A set is a collection of objects that has something in common.

What is an equivalent set?

The equivalent sets are two or more set with the same cardinality.

Examples of equivalent sets👇👇

1.  A= {2, 4, 6, 8}    

    B= {1, 2, 3, 4} 

2.  J= { goats, cows  sheep}  

     H= { cabbage, carrot, callaloo}                  

What is an equal set?

The equal sets are two or more sets with the same exact elements.

NB:  The elements within an equal set don't have to arrange in the same order. 

Examples of equal sets

 1. F= { 5, 6, 7 8}

    G= { 8, 5, 7, 6}

2. S= { car, van, bus, truck}

    T= { truck, car, bus, van} 

👦👧Boys and girls watch the video clips for additional information on the base ten blocks.
click and watch                  click and watch                 click and watch   

Well!!👦👧boys and girls now that we have learnt about equivalent and equal sets. It's activities time!!! 

Task 1:

Look in your kitchen, sort the items based on categories like food groups, expiration dates and packaging types (such as cans and boxes)

Task 2:

Write equivalent or equal for each of the following.

1. {M, N, O} and {1, 2, 3,}________________

2. {sheep, goat cow}and{cow, sheep goat}________________ 

3. {vowels} and {a, e, i, o, u}_________________ 

4. {months of the year that begins with the letter J} and {January, June, July} ________ 

5. {M,O,U,T,H}and {T, M, U, O, H}_____________ 

Task 3:

Use the words in bold to insert on the line to complete each sentence. 

       equivalent      set       equal      member

1. Another term for an element is called _______________.

2. The _____________sets are two or more sets with the exact elements that can be arranged in different order.

3. A collection of objects with comm features are called ____________. 

4. ___________sets are two or more set with the same cardinality.

Task 4:

Liveworksheet Activities

1. Click and do the activity

2. Click and do the activity

3. Click and do the activity 

4. Click and the activity


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